Political will for the EU Inc
European politicians of the highest calibre have already stated their support for a new pan-European entity under a 28th regime - an EU Inc. We have significant political momentum. Now, we need politicians to commit to a speedy legislative implementation in the 2025 European Commission work programme.
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
"I propose a new EU- wide legal status to help innovative companies grow. This will take the form of a so-called 28th regime to allow companies to benefit from a simpler, harmonised set of rules in certain areas" – Political Guidelines for next EU Commission
"A startup from California can expand and raise money all across the United States. But our companies still face way too many national barriers that make it hard to work Europa-wide, and way too much regulatory burden." – College of Europe in Bruges, Oct 2024
"The 28th regime will give startups the possibility to scale up across the full European single market." – European Council Meeting Budapest, Nov 2024

Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
"I propose a new EU- wide legal status to help innovative companies grow. This will take the form of a so-called 28th regime to allow companies to benefit from a simpler, harmonised set of rules in certain areas" – Political Guidelines for next EU Commission
"A startup from California can expand and raise money all across the United States. But our companies still face way too many national barriers that make it hard to work Europa-wide, and way too much regulatory burden." – College of Europe in Bruges, Oct 2024
"The 28th regime will give startups the possibility to scale up across the full European single market." – European Council Meeting Budapest, Nov 2024

Mario Draghi
Former Prime Minister of Italy, Former President of ECB
"Innovative start-ups should have the opportunity to adopt a new EU-wide legal statute[…] harmonised legislation concerning corporate law and insolvency, as well as a few key aspects of labour law and taxation" – EU Competitiveness report

Mario Draghi
Former Prime Minister of Italy, Former President of ECB
"Innovative start-ups should have the opportunity to adopt a new EU-wide legal statute[…] harmonised legislation concerning corporate law and insolvency, as well as a few key aspects of labour law and taxation" – EU Competitiveness report

Enrico Letta
Former Prime Minister of Italy
"A European Code of Business Law would be a transformative step towards a more unified Single Market, providing businesses with a 28th regime to operate within the Single Market." – Single Market report, April 2024

Enrico Letta
Former Prime Minister of Italy
"A European Code of Business Law would be a transformative step towards a more unified Single Market, providing businesses with a 28th regime to operate within the Single Market." – Single Market report, April 2024

Michael McGrath
Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, and the Rule of Law
“As a flagship initiative, I will prepare a specific proposal on an EU-wide company legal status – a 28th regime – with a view to helping innovative companies grow” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

Michael McGrath
Commissioner for Democracy, Justice, and the Rule of Law
“As a flagship initiative, I will prepare a specific proposal on an EU-wide company legal status – a 28th regime – with a view to helping innovative companies grow” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy
“Together with the [McGrath] we would work on the development of a so-called 28th regime, to help innovative companies grow and benefit from simpler, harmonised set of rules throughout the Union.” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy
“Together with the [McGrath] we would work on the development of a so-called 28th regime, to help innovative companies grow and benefit from simpler, harmonised set of rules throughout the Union.” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

Ekaterina Zaharieva
Commissioner for Startups, Science and Innovation
“I will propose an EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy, introducing an EU-wide legal status for startups: ‘28th regime'.” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

Ekaterina Zaharieva
Commissioner for Startups, Science and Innovation
“I will propose an EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy, introducing an EU-wide legal status for startups: ‘28th regime'.” – Parliamentary Hearings Q&A, October 2024

How you can help
If you have political contacts, please activate them today. We need broad political support across all EU member states and on all levels: EU, national, local.
If you are speaking on a panel or at an event soon, please promote the EU Inc there, and get politicians to publicly commit to supporting the implementation of an EU Inc. Let us know when you do.