We operate like a startup.
Fast and unconventional.
Our goal is to make the EU Inc part of the Commission's 2025 Work Programme. To achieve this, we need a unified European voice and support from key player and stakeholders. See our roadmap below.

Things We Need To Win
Critical Urgency. We need public commitment of politicians to take immediate action. Next commission will be too late.
Top Priority. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen must be putting EU Inc at the top of her agenda - preventing competing incentives by different directorate-generals from delaying a proposal.
Gather National Support. We need everyone on board – founders, venture capital, EU and Member State policymakers, media across Europe. Let's make some noise!
A solution that works. We'll bring the best minds together to build a plan that actually works for European startups.
Launch Petition
Achieve adoption across all member states, sign all major European founders and VCs.
Build public momentum
Align with Associations
Agree on key ingredients of the 28th regime with startup associations.
Get concrete commitments during parliamentary hearings from:
1. Executive Vice President for Industry Séjourné,
2. Executive Vice President for Tech Sovereignty Virkkunen,
3. Commissioner for Justice McGrath,
4. Commissioner for Startups Zaharieva.
Submit final petition to new Commission
Send EU Inc letter alongside legal proposal to President von der Leyen, Commissioner McGrath, Commissioner Zaharieva, Executive Vice President Sejourne and Executive Vice President Virkkunen
EU Inc meets with Commissioner McGrath ahead of the publication of the 2025 Work Programme
Integration into Commission programme
The von der Leyen Commission II prominently adds EU Inc or 28th regime legal entity for startups to its official 2025 Work Programme.
Early 2025
Ecosystem working on EU Inc policy proposal
The European startup ecosystem works openly on a minimum viable policy proposal for EU Inc that solves the problem facing European startups.
Connect key industry figures with policy markers to make sure the details of EU Inc and the key practical outcomes are guaranteed to be in the proposed legislation.
Ecosystem works on national lobbying of EU Inc to ensure early buy-in and smooth sailing for later trilogue.
This timeline is dynamic and will be enhanced over time. We invite any help in form of political support, public stages, media reach to make the EU Inc a priority today.
Key Players
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
Executive Vice President Henna Virkkunen
Executive Vice President Stephane Sejourne
Commissioner Michael McGrath
Commissioner Katerina Zaharieva
Directorate-General (DG)
European Commission
Work Programme
28th regime